Give our animals the perfect gift this festive season! For £5, your donation will give a dog or cat the perfect Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.
Buy a Christmas dinner HERE
If you would like to feature your own story please email Mel at
Give our animals the perfect gift this festive season! For £5, your donation will give a dog or cat the perfect Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.
Buy a Christmas dinner HERE
We have a wish for the Lovely Odin Odin our 18 month old Collie crossed with Labrador and German Shepherd needs a very secure harness.
Taunton MAG (Motorcycle Action Group) will be joining us on Sunday 1st December for their annual pet food run! We can’t thank these guys enough
Zeus went into a general foster home on Thursday and is clearly having the decompression time he needs. Zeus has been with us for 8
A huge thank you to Somerset Progressive School for such a generous donation of dog food and treats. Podge our puppy got lots of cuddles
Thanks to our friends at National Highways for providing us with 5 brand new benches for around the site! We are so grateful for this
Winnie has recently had a short term respite in a general foster home and enjoyed her time out of the kennels but she desperately needs
St Giles Animal Welfare is based at St Giles Animal Centre in Wrantage, Taunton, Somerset TA3 6DJ
Opening Times
Morning: 10am till 12pm
Afternoon: 2pm till 4pm
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