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Corporate Volunteering Days

A huge thank you goes out to a group of volunteers we had this week from LV=. They got to see what we do here and help with dog walking, cat cuddling and also did some painting for us! A good day had by all.

If any businesses would like to come and help us for the day, please do get in touch with our volunteer coordinator to find out more –

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Find Bart a home

The beautiful Bart has been with us for over 90 days now and is desperately searching for that forever loving home he so ever deserves.

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Music Quiz to raise funds

Come join us on Saturday 10th August for another MUSIC QUIZ!!! Book your space now:…/fun-and-events/ Saturday 10th August West Monkton Village Hall 7pm doors

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Zeus’s day out!

Zeus had a picnic in North Curry with one of our volunteers and managed to dodge the raindrops. He must be blessed with weather powers.

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